Our Courses

Ecogical Building Courses:

• Cob Construction Basics: Dive into the fundamentals of cob building, from material selection to architectural aesthetics. Learn how to create structures that are not only eco-friendly but also cost-effective and visually stunning.
• Advanced Sustainable Architecture: For those looking to deepen their knowledge, this course covers advanced techniques in natural insulation, passive solar design, and integrating renewable energy systems.

Organic Farming Initiatives:

• From Seed to Table: A comprehensive program on growing your own food organically, including seed collection, crop rotation, and natural pest management.
• Hydroponics and Aquaponics: Explore modern farming techniques that maximize space and conserve water, perfect for tropical climates.

Wellness and Mental Health Programs:

• Daily Yoga Sessions: With classes ranging from beginner to advanced, cultivate your physical and mental health through guided yoga practices.
• Meditation and Mindfulness Retreats: Learn meditation techniques that can reduce stress, improve concentration, and increase overall well-being.
• Holistic Health Workshops: Topics include herbal medicine, nutritional planning, and lifestyle adjustments to foster long-term health.